

Decrypt Wannacry ransomware in 2 Seconds With this Code

Ransomware WannaCry  Decryption Code Ransom Ware attack (largest in history) hit over 200,000 computers across the world. If you are suffering from same. Here is the Code to decrypt WannaCry Ransomware WNCRY@2OL7 Some More Useful Information : •  Virus Name:  WannaCrypt, WannaCry, WanaCrypt0r, WCrypt, WCRY •  Vector:  All Windows versions before Windows 10 are vulnerable if not patched for MS-17-010. It uses EternalBlue MS17-010 to propagate. •  Ransom:  between $300 to $600. There is code to ‘rm’ (delete) files in the virus. Seems to reset if the virus crashes. •  Backdooring:  The worm loops through every RDP session on a system to run the ransomware as that user. It also installs the DOUBLEPULSAR backdoor. It corrupts shadow volumes to make recovery harder. (source: malwarebytes) •  Kill switch:  If the website is up the virus exits instead of infecting the host. (source: malwarebytes). This domain has been sinkholed, stopping the spread of the worm

Top 10 Ways That Hackers Use To Hack Facebook Accounts

Tips On How To Protect Facebook Accounts From Hacking Hacking is a regular occurrence over the internet around the world. Email, social networking and other online accounts are at risk from being hacked into if care is not taken to keep secure information safe. And, one of the most popular targets for hackers is Facebook. Even where users have chosen strong passwords and taken extra security measures, their Facebook accounts are not safe from hackers. So, what can you do to prevent your Facebook accounts from being hacked? In this article, we make you aware of all attacks carried out by hackers and also offer security tips to keep your Facebook account safe from hackers. Note: This article is for security purpose only and should not be used as it is illegal. Grootlive shall not be responsible for any consequences.  Hack Facebook Account Password By Phishing Phishing is one of the most popular attack route used by attackers for hacking Facebook accounts. While th

Top 10 sites to Learn Hacking

Brush up your (legal) hacking skills with these top 10 sites Hacking is one of the most misunderstood word in computer dictionary. Hacking was a term that originated in 1990s and is more commonly used in context of “Computer Hacking”, which is associated with the unauthorized use of computer and network resources. Such kind of hacking poses threat to the security of the computer and other resources. By definition, hacking is the practice of altering the features of a system, to accomplish a goal which is not in scope of the purpose of its creation. As a result, the last few decades has seen an increase in demand for ethical hackers (also known as white hat hackers or penetration testers), as they protect the computer systems from dangerous intrusions. Ethical hacking helps businesses and government-related organizations better protect its system and information and are seen as part of an organization’s overall security efforts. Ethical hacking is also a way to check thefts

World's Top 5 Most Dangerous Hackers

 Top 5 Most Dangerous Hackers There are two types of hackers. First, you’ve got the kind that is so often  portrayed by Hollywood  as an anti-social nerd with a chip on his shoulder out to dominate the cyberworld by breaking into secure networks and messing things up. Second, you’ve got the kind of people who just enjoy fiddling around with software source code and hardware gigs. That’s right. The term “hacker” originally referred to the second type, which held absolutely no malevolent connotations. Only recently has the term been used to refer primarily to criminal masterminds. There are  good hackers and bad hackers ! Nowadays, benevolent hackers are often called “white hats” while the more sinister are called “black hats.” In this article, I’ll be talking specifically about famous hackers that don hats of black. Here are five of the most widely known black hatters and what happened to them for their recklessness. Jonathan James Jonathan James was known

Use Secure VPNs (Lifetime Subscription) to Prevent ISPs From Spying On You

Data Privacy is a serious concern today with the vast availability of personal data over the Internet – a digital universe where websites collect your personal information and sell them to advertisers for dollars, and where hackers can easily steal your data from the ill-equipped. If this wasn't enough, US Senate voted last week to  eliminate privacy rules  that would have forced ISPs to get your permission before selling your Web browsing history and app usage history to advertisers. If passed, ISPs like Verizon, Comcast, and AT&T, can collect and sell data on what you buy, where you browse, and what you search, to advertisers all without taking your consent in order to earn more bucks. How to Prevent ISPs And Hackers From Spying On You So, how do you keep your data away from advertisers as well as hackers? Private Browsing! If you're worried about identity thieves or ISPs spying on or throttling your traffic, the most efficient way to secure your